Traditional PR will never die. Or will it? Digital PR is creating local, regional, national and global awareness-digitally. That is, using all digital media to get the word out, to tell stories, promote product launches, brands, and events across all media outlets.
Instead of sending the traditional press kits, making the traditional phone calls, and setting up press meetings, PR firms, including 5 Creative Group, use “the wires” to distribute press releases and can help speed-up the process of getting a message in the hands of journalists, publishers, radio personalities, News reporters, TV show hosts, major websites, etc.
What’s more, all the social networking, blog sites, forum sites, and video broadcasting sites help gain digital awareness too. In our book, both traditional PR and digital PR are effective and in many cases necessary. Let’s get the story out and let’s get it out fast-about 25 minutes to be exact with the digital wires! For more information, visit www.5creativegroup.com.